How To Answer Unusual Interview Queries?

How To Answer Unusual Interview Queries?

Sometimes interviewers ask interview questions that are a challenge to answer. But, do not worry too much about them. It is impossible for applicants to prepare answers for all the possible queries which might be inquired during a job interview, specifically few of the less common and unusual interview queries.

For instance, what happens if the employer raises a hypothetical question like “How much toilet paper will it take to span the state of New Jersey?” or unusual interview queries such as “What animal best represents who you are?” or “If you could be any animal on a carousel what would you pick and why”?

You do not require trying to come up with answers. You would not know what you’ll be asked, and these kinds of questions don’t have a right or wrong answer. Instead, the employer is trying to get at how you respond to questions under stress and how your logical thinking processes work.

Take some time to consider how you’ll respond instead of thinking about what you’ll say. Here are some tips for responding in the best possible way to unanticipated questions.

Tips to Respond to Unusual Interview Queries

Buy Some Time

First of all, buy some time before responding so you can formulate a thoughtful answer by saying something such as “That is a really intriguing question, I’ve never gotten that one before.”

Inquire for Clarification 

It is fine to ask for clarification if it is hard to figure out just what the employer is looking for in a response. For instance, with the question about how much toilet paper it would take to span New Jersey, you might say “Interesting question, were you thinking north/south or east/west, at the widest/longest points or an average?”

How You Think

It is primary to recognize that several unusual queries are asked to see how your thought process works and not because the employer expects you to furnish any particular “right” answer. Be sure to articulate your reasoning when you respond to these types of questions. For example, if you said a cat was the animal that best represents you, you might mention that you are curious or quick.

Of course, referencing qualities which are in line with job requirements is a great way to respond.

Match Your Qualities to the Job

Most interview questions are developed to determine if you’ve the right skills or qualities to excel at the job in question. The best way to prepare for unusual interview queries is to prepare a list of 6 – 9 of your skills that will enable you to perform well in the job. Make certain you are ready to supply anecdotes or instances of how you’ve used those strengths to engineer successes in past projects, work or co-curricular roles. There is a great chance that this type of information will enable you to formulate viable answers to many unusual interview questions.

When You do not Have an Answer 

If you’re totally stumped by a strange query, be prepared to highlight that you can’t think of a viable answer to that query just now. It’s acceptable to inquire if you might return to it later. Otherwise, let it go. You don’t want a tough question to stress you so much that you lose your focus.

Do not let your inability to respond disrupt your composure during the rest of the interview. You do not need to be perfect in order to succeed in an interview. If possible, share a response later in the interview or in your follow-up communications.


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