Five Key Reasons Smart People Do not Get Hired

Five Key Reasons Smart People Do not Get Hired

There is no such thing as being too intelligent, too funny or too rich right? Yep, rather than when you are a job search applicant. When you’re in the job search procedure, being actually smart can mostly mean you’re unemployed for a longer period of time. So, this post will provide you a brief glance on the five key reasons smart people do not get hired.

It appears to be counterintuitive, the smarter you’re the more accomplished you should be, hence the more appealing you should be as a job search applicant. The issue is twofold, there are few mistakes smart persons make as part of the job search procedure and there are few pre conceived concepts that interviewers have about seemingly smart persons.

Five Key Reasons Smart People Do not Get Hired

  • Interviewers See You As Over Qualified

Very smart persons, much like greatly accomplished people are mostly seen by interviewers as over qualified for the position. Over qualified applicants is a danger to interviewers because they mostly get bored with the position, challenge the status quo and the procedure and leave as soon as a better chance comes along. As you can consider, it is time consuming and costly to hire new staff so interviewers are very careful to look for applicants likely to stay.

Note: Make sure that you’re enthusiastic about the position and the company and be very clear about your short term and long term aims. Make certain that you clearly explain what is about the position and the company that excites you.

  • Interviewers May Be Threatened By You

Smart persons are mostly perceived as a potential threat to their immediate boss. Your interviewer might feel you’ll make them look inadequate or that you might be promoted faster and more often than they will be.

Note: If the individual interviewing you is your potential boss, be very careful not to make them feel intimidated by your accomplishments.

  • You Come Across As Bored And Not Interested

Sometimes smart job applicants don’t do themselves any favors. They come across as bored or not specifically interested in the position which is a fast track to rejection. It might be because they already know all about the things being discussed or because the employer is an idiot, either way, appearing bored will not assist you one bit. No one needs to hire someone who is not excited about the prospect of working there.

Note: As per the suggestion to combat the view of being over qualified, make sure that you’re enthusiastic about the position and the company even if you consider the employer is an idiot. That idiot might be your next boss.

  • Your Resume and Personal Brand Are Drowning in Detail

Smart persons are often also highly accomplished individuals and so their resume and online personal brand tend to be overloaded with data.  This sends a clear message to interviewers that you struggle to get to the point and can’t depict a succinct point of view. You require decluttering your resume and online brand before you embark on the job search procedure. It is not good enough to be smart; you require proving you’ve excellent written communication qualities too.

Note: Eliminate excess words and details from your resume and online personal brand. Don’t list every accomplishment, opt carefully and utilize bullet points to make the data easy to read.

You Do not Sell Yourself and Your Achievements

Smart persons tend to be appearing humble in nature and let their achievements speak for themselves. This is an attractive quality in life, but not so good when you’re in the job search procedure. Even if it makes you uncomfortable, you require seeing yourself when you’re looking for a job.

Being smart, educated and accomplished is fabulous, but that doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to get every job you apply for. These five key reasons smart people do not get hired will assist the potential applicants alot in future. There are several significant components in the job search procedure that you require nailing to get a job offer. Take note of the problems above and adjust your resume, personal brand and the way you reflect yourself to potential interviewers so you look like the ideal job candidate and ignore these five key reasons smart people do not get hired.


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