Think of these Job Fixes Before Quitting Your Job

Major Ways to Dispute a Job Title Change

If you’re having issues at work, you might be tempted to quit your job. There are generally good reasons to leave. Some issues, though, can be resolved without quitting. If you would rather stay at your current place of employment, it might be worth trying these solutions. Here are few common workplace issues and possible job fixes you should consider before you resort to quitting your job:

Your Job is Interfering With Your Family Liabilities as Job Fixes

If you’re having trouble acquiring a balance between your career and your family, you might seek yourself stressed out.  You might have even considered taking a hiatus from your career altogether but do not know if that is the best thing to do. Here are some alternative work options that can assist make your work schedule more bearable. For instance, you can see if your boss is amenable to letting you work a ​flexible schedule. It might mean working four 10-hour days each week or working non-typical hours, like 8 to 4 or 10 to 6.

Other alternative arrangements involve telecommuting or working part-time. Few employers even permit their workers to job share, which includes sharing a full-time job with another worker.​

Your Commute is Getting to You

Many of the alternative options mentioned above can assist you if your commute has gotten to be too much. Working a flexible schedule might give you a break from traveling to work one day a week or may at least take you off the road during rush hour. Telecommuting can keep you from having to commute at all or may cut down on the days you have to travel to the office.

Your Work Place Relationships Are Bad

If you do not get along with your boss or one of your colleagues (or any of your coworkers) your work life can be extremely difficult. Given the amount of time you spend at work, it can be as hard as a bad marriage. Before you get a divorce ‘um’ quit your job fixes, see if you can improve your relationships with your boss and coworkers. That sometimes means looking inward and doing things to change your behavior. Also, consider asking the human resources department to intervene.

You Got an Unsatisfactory Performance Review

A poor performance review might leave you staggered and wondering if your best bet is to quit your job fixes. Unless your boss has something else in mind, you do not necessarily require leaving. The first thing you should do is look at the review with an open mind. If you conclude that it is fairly accurate, find out what you can do to improve your performance. It probably requires a serious talk with your boss. If you think the performance review was unfair, then you should also talk to your boss but wait until you can do it calmly.

You’re Unhappy About Few New Policies at Work

We all get stuck in our ways, and the familiarity of consistent work policies can be very comforting. When your boss decides to change things it can be disconcerting. Often it is not that the changes are bad, it is basically the fact that they were made at all. When your boss makes changes to policies at work, the best thing you can do is give yourself some time to get used to them. Take a few weeks to figure out whether your unhappiness stems from your resistance to change or if you truly feel the new policies are bad for the company.

If after a while you conclude that the changes are really not working well, turn your negativity into something positive. Set up a meeting with your boss. Be prepared to present a clear rationale along with suggestions for improvement.​


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