Top Three Things Employers Check on Your Social Profile

Top Three Things Employers Check on Your Social Profile

Your social profile spells out your likes and dislikes, beliefs and prejudices, important personality traits and future intentions.

In certain ways the social media check is like the first interview. You require passing with flying colors if you need to have a chance at getting the job.

Top Three Key Things Employers Check on Your Social Profile

Your Personality

Your Behavior

Your Network

Your Personality

Your online social profile can provide away a lot about your personality without an interviewer ever having to meet you. By looking at your photos, comments, connections and time spent online they can make a quite good evaluation about the following:

  • Extrovert or Introvert
  • Positive or Negative general outlook
  • Work Ethic
  • How collaborative you’re

It is difficult to say what exact personality an interviewer is searching for without knowing the industry, size of company and company culture so you require aiming for a professional social profile.

  • Depict a professional profile picture
  • Evaluate entire personal posts and ask – what does this tell an interviewer about me? If it is not good, remove it.
  • Establish your network and professional associations.
  • Comment and post on industry related news not just personal news.

Your Network

In many professional roles, your network is just as significant as your actual skills so do not just clean up your social profile go ahead and makes helpful friends. . Interviewers need to understand the extent of your network and how well you work collaboratively across your industry.

  • Join professional groups and associations in your industry.
  • Make connections on LinkedIn and take the time to actively engage with them.
  • Make industry related posts.
  • Clearly list your professional experience involving how long you spent in each role.
  • Check the social profile of others in your industry particularly those you respect and look at how they are representing themselves.

Your Behavior

This one appears so very obvious. Drunken photos, excessive use of bad language in your posts, extreme political views etc aren’t going to assist you in any way. They make you look volatile, unstable and not a perfect job candidate. But remember; watch out for the subtle online behaviors that can also impact an employer’s view.

  • Delete all photos and comments relating to negative behavior.
  • Check your spelling and grammar, for many employer’s bad grammar is worse in contrast to one or two bad photos. It indicates a deficiency of written communication skills.
  • No profanity, seriously none.
  • Make certain your facts are consistent across all your social assets. Do not just list everything on LinkedIn, check the facts, like time at each job etc… are the same across all your assets. Getting this wrong makes you look sloppy or even dishonest.
  • Be careful how you utilize the words ‘I’ and ‘We’. Excessive use of ‘I’ recommends you’ve a huge ego and are not a team player.



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